I dislike:
a) people who wear sunglasses on public transport
b) people who wear sunglasses on public transport when it is not sunny
c) people who wear sunglasses on public transport when it’s actually raining outside
You look like an idiot! Don’t do it! I am talking about someone I saw on the bus this morning. Only under 1 flimsy circumstance should this be allowed: if you have a hangover sent straight from Lucifer. I know miss floral top and sunglasses did not have a hangover and therefore cannot be excused from this idiotic behaviour. I know this because she was also carrying a home made prawn salad. In a bowl. With cling film over the top. Prawns + hangover = a no no. sunglasses + rain + public transport + bowl of prawns with cling film over the top = me thinking you're an idiot.
And I’m also slightly concerned that the glorious weather we had last week was our summer and it will now be rain until next May. I blame the BBC weather forecast.
In other more happy news, I'm going to see Mr. Hudson tonight who is officially an amazing musician. If you haven't heard his stuff yet, then the album A tale of Two Cities is fantastic and you'll probably be hearing alot more of him as he's just worked with Kanye West on the track Paranoid. I've posted one of my favourite newer tracks of his below for your listening pleasure. Enjoy!
Rin Okumura
3 years ago
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