Wednesday, 17 June 2009

Ou est le album?

To revive myself from the disappointment that I’m most probably going to miss the Lovebox Festival this year (I can still taste the salt from my tears), I headed down to Cargo on Friday night for here they had the Official Lovebox warm up (and the hundreds and thousands on the icing was that it’s a free night).

The main attraction was a band that I recently stumbled upon (literally but that’s another story) – Ou Est Le Swimming Pool who played a short but sweet set which I have to say was pretty provocative. A funky mix of poptastic lyrics and nostalgic melody’s stripped from the 80’s but brought up to speed with some wicked electro beats. Take away the sound and you would be forgiven for thinking that you’ve walked in on a group of newly pubescent lads having a laugh in their garage owing to the slightly odd, but kinda kitsch, moustaches (to be honest if I was a guy, I'd probably be impressed and actually pretty jealous of the facial hair) and the indoor sunglasses wearing on stage (see previous post on sunglasses indoors – being in a band does not excuse this). However, their track Dance the Way I Feel is absolutely brilliant in a RDMC way and the crowd seemed to agree; honestly, dancing to this track just can’t really be helped. The lyrics and the beguiling melody makes their track The Key utterly mesmerising and throughout the whole set I had a smile plastered on my face because underlying it all, Ou Est are truly uplifting.

So, I will be adding Ou Est to my playlist and hopefully hearing a lot more of them in the future.

Here’s the link to their myspace
And here’s a video for you to enjoy!

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