This book is aaaaaaaaaamazing. I'm about to start re-reading it after my last copy (which I was half way through) was gobbled up by the hungry postman on it's journey back from Wales where I had happened to leave it. I cannot wait to start it again. Rather then be frustrated that I'm going to have to start from scratch I am so excited to have the words of this book pass through my eyes, into my mind, work my imagination and feed through my lips again. I remember it being completely breath-takingly beautiful...and that was only the first half. It's more than likely I'll post a review when I'm done so watch this space!
In other news.....the marketing peeps at Starbucks will be bitterly disappointed to hear that their branding just isn't quite cutting it anymore. Whilst carrying my grande skinny Americano to work this morning a man stopped me (yes, literally stopped me in the street) to ask where I got my tea (!!!!!!) from. After correcting him on the tea error, I, of course bemused, held up my iconic white Starbucks takeaway cup which not only has the Starbucks logo plastered ALL over it but also has it on the cardboard sleeve they kindly give you to put round the cup so that you don't give yourself 3rd degree burns on your palms whilst rushing through the crowds to work, and calmmly informed him "uuurrrrmmmmm, Starbucks" in a not so subtle "are you kidding me? You're delaying my rush to work by 30 seconds to ask where I got my drink from when from the point where we are standing I can literally see about 10 coffee shops?" kind of way. He sheepishly laughed and backed away from me slowly and so our roles were reversed. No longer was I the sane normal person on my way to work being interrupted by someone crazy enough to talk to a stranger in London; I was now the crazy person who can't answer a simple question, terrifying some sane person who just wanted a cup of tea.
Lastly, I think I want to get into photography. Properly. As a hobby. So am checking out courses and decent cameras online. If I'm still thinking about this a week from now I'll consider this more than just one of my ridiculous whims.
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