Friday, 15 January 2010

5 days to go!

So with only 5 days to go before I up and move country I seem to be oscillating every 10 minutes between pant wettingly excited and pant pooingly scared.

I've been given access to e-mails already by my new work so every day at my old work I'm gleefully checking my e-mails like the little swot that I am. I've also been given a schedule for my first week at my new job which thankfully looks like it will be a week full of induction, introductions and general learning of the ropes. It honestly feels like it's going to be my first day at school, taking the leap from primary school to secondary school but with all the teachers and current pupils sending you e-mails telling how excited they are that you're coming (I like to think everyone at my current work is really excited about me coming because I charmed them all in the 5 minutes I met them on my last trip rather then that there is a pile of work building up on my new desk and it's blocking the view out of the window for everyone). Anyway, the point is that all this excites me. Greatly.

Sitting in juxtaposition with this feeling is utter gut wrenching stomach whirling pain. I'm having to start saying goodbyes to friends now and God it hurts. I'm going to miss them all so much! But to get myself through it I'm already thinking about their visits and thinking about the people who can't wait to see me in Denmark. Locking myself in the bathroom and crying is also helping a little....

On another note, packing is just the most dull, soul destroying (apparently I'm feeling rather dramatic today) activity known to man. Eurgh. How am I going to take all that I need with just 20kg allowance? I think it is rather mean. Oh, sigh.


  1. Your new adventure sounds so exciting to me! Good luck in your new job and you'll make plenty of friends. Also, London is not too far away from Copenhagen ;)

  2. I must say just started to follow your blog but so far I love it...."wetting your pants excited" which puts a smile on my face. You certainly have a way with words. I always wanted to visit Sweden so I have to live through your experiences. :)
