Tuesday, 19 January 2010

The Move Out!

So...that was probably the most stressful thing I've ever done in my life - my newly developed eye twitch (something that's just come on in the last 5 days - clearly a result of the oscillating emotions) is twitching like it's on Acid. Brill.

My dad came up to London from Poole to help me move which was...ummm...helpful yet despairngly irritating too. As my dad gets older he is getting more and more impatient and more and more grumpy and more and more stressed and more and more highly strung - It's actually impossible to have a normal conversation with him when he has a task to do. God, getting out the house was like a military operation and I was only allowed an hour and a half to do it! Quel Horror!

Anyway, got there in the end - mostly. Packed up all my boxes - EURGH and then took one final look at my empty room. Then decided that although we're getting cleaners in I should probably run the hoover over the carpet before I left. I tried to run the hoover over my carpet but the fucking stupid cunting hoover spat even more shit over my carpet then it picked up so after about 10 mins of that game I gave up, took one final final look at my empty room and walked away from a wonderful chapter in my life (and a pretty messy carpet).

If the last year and a half has been a wonderful chapter then the 4 hours that immediately followed was a horrible sentence that I thought would never end. This is all I have the inclination to say as I don't wish to relive those hours: If my dad, who has never lived in London, either listened to me or listened to the Sat Nav or stopped changing the destination and route on the Sat Nav (I hate the stupid cow - yes, the Sat Nav is personified in my world - but even she must have been getting confused) or didn't just keep bemoaning the lack of a map then maybe, just maybe, the journey out of London would have gone more smoothly.

Friday, 15 January 2010

5 days to go!

So with only 5 days to go before I up and move country I seem to be oscillating every 10 minutes between pant wettingly excited and pant pooingly scared.

I've been given access to e-mails already by my new work so every day at my old work I'm gleefully checking my e-mails like the little swot that I am. I've also been given a schedule for my first week at my new job which thankfully looks like it will be a week full of induction, introductions and general learning of the ropes. It honestly feels like it's going to be my first day at school, taking the leap from primary school to secondary school but with all the teachers and current pupils sending you e-mails telling how excited they are that you're coming (I like to think everyone at my current work is really excited about me coming because I charmed them all in the 5 minutes I met them on my last trip rather then that there is a pile of work building up on my new desk and it's blocking the view out of the window for everyone). Anyway, the point is that all this excites me. Greatly.

Sitting in juxtaposition with this feeling is utter gut wrenching stomach whirling pain. I'm having to start saying goodbyes to friends now and God it hurts. I'm going to miss them all so much! But to get myself through it I'm already thinking about their visits and thinking about the people who can't wait to see me in Denmark. Locking myself in the bathroom and crying is also helping a little....

On another note, packing is just the most dull, soul destroying (apparently I'm feeling rather dramatic today) activity known to man. Eurgh. How am I going to take all that I need with just 20kg allowance? I think it is rather mean. Oh, sigh.

Tuesday, 5 January 2010

Unwanted and unused with no purpose

Today I’m feeling slightly sorry for the string-less tea bags left in the office kitchen’s tea bag box. Their purpose in life as of yet unfulfilled since they lost their strings in what could have been a simple rush-to-make-tea-yank-tea-bag-from-box accident. Left to gather loose tea leaves because since the invention of the “tea bag on a string” we’ve all become too lazy to stir. We’re all dippers now; taking copious amounts of pleasure from the ability to make tea less 1 piece of washing up AND to also use the string + gravity to swing the used tea bag into the open bin without making any mess. Poor unwanted string-less tea bags.