Wednesday, 1 July 2009

The official summer read

Everyone has to buy this book. Yes, even if you are a boy - buy it for your girlfriend/sister/mum or just read it and get an insight into a girl's deepest dating desires. If you're a girl, read it and revel in the shopping, boys, and disasters that become a 20 something year old who is trying to find out how the hell life and love works - something we can all relate to no doubt! It's written by my friend and colleague Lindsey who is actually moving to NY in like 2 weeks. I'll refrain from using superlatives but what a lucky lucky girl!

We went to The Diner just off Carnaby Street on Saturday morning for a NY style brunch to celebrate the book being published - Oh it was amazing. Pancakes and milkshakes and eggs Benedict. Feeding off the book, I then went for a shopping spree in Carnaby street's vintage shops and boutiques, I could have easily blown my whole month's wages. If it wasn't for that recent program on the TV about homelessness I would have happily sacrificed a month's rent for the most beautiful shoes I've ever seen.

I haven't been shopping in ages and I had forgotten the rush of adrenaline I get when I take something to the counter to pay for it. It's like being in some sort of exclusive club shopping in vintage shops. the only problem is that I think you have to get dressed up to do it, to prove you belong to this 'I can take this old ratty dress and turn it into something spectacular' club. But I love it. It's like I'm someone completely different or it unleashes a side of me that seems to rarely make an appearance recently. I love carrying on the charade as I walk away and down the bustling, sunny streets of London and imagine what my life would be like if I did have an endless supply of money to spend on clothes and shoes and accessories and life. I imagine the outfits I would put together (of course in my fantasy I'm about a stone lighter as I can afford to buy the healthiest foods and hire a personal trainer), the clubs I'd go to, the drinks I'd drink, the holidays I'd go on, the way I'd decorate my house...The dream continues right up to where I get into my house and face last night's washing up and the overflowing bin full of last night's rice concoction. Sigh. It was fun while it lasted.

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