Hmmmm, after my indulgent and very naughty egg mayonnaise sandwich (I’m trying to steer clear of carbs at the moment. It’s not going well. Carbs make me feel happy.) and my delicious and angelic humus and veg, I still need something else. Something sweet. Something that will invite little mini glucose men into my body so that they may prop up my eyelids with matchsticks. It’s 4 nights in a row now I’ve had no sleep. I’ve ventured past the point of grouchy and am now a mute shadow of the lurgy, all pale and clammy with not even the energy to feast on the energy of others. I’m well and truly wilting.
Chocolate is the answer.
Chocolate is ALWAYS the answer.
I spy with my little eye…a box of my uber favourite Lindt chocolates in the Rights department. Sneak, sneak, sneak, snatch. Damn it. Only dark chocolate (yuk) and hazelnut left. Need for sugar stronger than fussiness I take out the hazelnut chocolate and saunter off to the kitchen in a nonchalant fashion, oooozing guilt and put the kettle on.
Alas, as I unwrap the chocolate I discover that no! It’s not hazelnut, its white chocolate! Joy of joys, yummy, creamy, sweet, delectable white chocolate. A sweeter taste has not passed my lips in months. I sink back, resting against the kitchen counter, savouring every last drop of pleasure and delve my hands into the back pockets of my jeans. My hand gets caught in a crinkled receipt.
Alas, as I pull out the mystery receipt I realise that to my giddy delight it is in fact two £10 notes crumpled into my back pocket. I think I may pass out from all the excitement. Has ever a more thrilling combination of events happened? Ever? To anyone? I think not.
The powers that be have clearly proclaimed this day to be the day of good things and do please dear God let it bring sleep.
Rin Okumura
3 years ago